06 Feb

Abrasives Grinding Wheel Manufactures in USA

About Abrasives Grinding Wheels

Abrasive stands for the efficiency of material generally a mineral used to give finishing or shape to the machines or work equipment via rubbing, polishing or grinding. Abrasive materials are tough rock material. Some of the common abrasive materials are diamond, aluminum oxide, cubic boron nitrite, etc      

Here we have collected five top most Grinding Wheel manufacturing companies for the US market as well as the global market.

Hindustan Abrasives

Hindustan Abrasive company was established in the year 1985. The Manufacturing Units of Hindustan Abrasives are situated in Sonipat and Ghaziabad, North India.

Hindustan Abrasives is having more than 1000 grinding wheel supplier networks in USA, India, Russia, Thailand & other countries.It has been the biggest supplier of precision Grinding Wheels in India. Not only this, but the company has expanded its worth by exporting grinding wheels to Asian and American Market. They  are using modernized machines and technology that take full advantage of automation in industrial applications.

Products:  20+

Subsidiary: 4 abrasive companies, dealers in 10 countries

Employee:  >5000 

Revenue:  NA     

Saint Gobain 

Saint Gobain is also a leader in the Abrasive industry and it was founded in 1665, probably the oldest. The headquarter of this company is outside of Paris, France.

Company has started abrasive and ceramic manufacturing in 1986. They have added these products to their existing services. They are also involved in construction material.  They are manufacturers of different abrasives diamond, bonded and coated.

Subsidiaries: 3 abrasives brand, distributors in 26 nation

Employees: >15,000     

Revenue: Not available  



You wouldn’t believe that TYROLIT was founded after World War 1; it is headquartered in Schwaz, Austria

The company was a subsidiary of Swarovski-Crystal Factory. This company has a great impact on the world manufacturing industry. Especially in the US, it has made a great name. Company manufacture traditional and diamond tools, super abrasive rubbing wheel, cut-off wheel to the stone and construction business, coated abrasives, dressing machine, sawing machine, etc.  

Subsidiaries:  29 distributors in more than 65 countries.

Employees: nearly 4700     

Revenue: NA

Sait Abrasivi


 Sait Abrasivi was grounded in 1953 and it is located in Collegno near Turin, Italy. At present this is one of the most influential and front running leader in abrasive manufacturing industry in the global platform. The official member of FEPA (European Federation of Abrasive Producers) France and  OSA (Organization for the Safety of Abrasives) Germany.  

Subsidiaries: 8 Subsidiary company globally, 3 manufacturing plant in Italy 150 international distributors

Employees: >200 in sales department (sole)     

Revenue: NA

Sia Abrasives Industries

Sia Abrasives Industry was established in 1875 and the headquarter of company is Frauenfeld, Switzerland.

Initially it was a chemical company but at present Sia Abrasives has been manufacturing 5 types of abrasives such as micro-abrasives, bonded, non-woven, coated and foam. This company exports 90% of products worldwide.

Subsidiaries: manufacturing in 17 countries, distributors in 40 countries.

Employees: nearly 1300     

Revenue: NA

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